- advocate for a cause
- активист, человек, горячо отстаивающий какую-либо позицию
The English annotation is below. (English-Russian). 2003.
The English annotation is below. (English-Russian). 2003.
Kayak for a Cause — is a non profit kayaking fundraiser that takes place annually on Long Island Sound on the eastern coast of the United States. A group of several hundred kayakers cross the Sound from Norwalk, Connecticut to the north shore of Long Island and… … Wikipedia
advocate — ad·vo·cate 1 / ad və kət, ˌkāt/ n [Latin advocatus adviser to a party in a lawsuit, counselor, from past participle of advocare to summon, employ as counsel, from ad to + vocare to call] 1: a person (as a lawyer) who works and argues in support… … Law dictionary
For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK — Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK Leader Roberts Zīle Founded TB: 1 February 1993 … Wikipedia
advocate — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. favor, plead; recommend, suggest; support. n. patron, supporter; defender; lawyer, attorney. See friend, auxiliary, lawsuit. Ant., oppose; detractor. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To defend] Syn. vindicate,… … English dictionary for students
advocate — verb (t) /ˈædvəkeɪt / (say advuhkayt) (advocated, advocating) 1. to plead in favour of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: *Well, I ll not campaign or advocate any policies but my own. –joh bjelke petersen, 1988. –noun /ˈædvəkət /… …
advocate — [n] person supporting an idea or cause publicly apostle, attorney, backer, campaigner, champion, counsel, defender, exponent, expounder, lawyer, pleader, promoter, proponent, proposer, speaker, spokesperson, supporter, upholder; concepts 359,423… … New thesaurus
advocate — [ad′və kit; ] for v. [, ad′vəkāt΄] n. [ME advocat, avocat < L advocatus, a counselor < advocare, to summon (for aid) < ad , to + vocare, to call] 1. a person who pleads another s cause; specif., a lawyer 2. a person who speaks or writes… … English World dictionary
cause — ► NOUN 1) a person or thing that produces an effect. 2) reasonable grounds for a belief or action: cause for concern. 3) a principle or movement which one is prepared to support or advocate. 4) a lawsuit. ► VERB ▪ be the cause of; make happen. ● … English terms dictionary
Families and Children for Empowerment and Development — Foundation, Inc. (FCED) is a non – stock, non – profit service foundation, organized in 1987 that brings together government and non – government organizations and community leaders in depressed areas in Manila. It facilitates leadership… … Wikipedia
advocate — ► NOUN 1) a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy. 2) a person who pleads a case on someone else s behalf. 3) Scottish term for BARRISTER(Cf. ↑barrister). ► VERB ▪ publicly recommend or support. DER … English terms dictionary
advocate — advocative, adj. advocator, n. v. /ad veuh kayt /; n. /ad veuh kit, kayt /, v., advocated, advocating, n. v.t. 1. to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers. n. 2. a… … Universalium